Vessels under management trade world-wide, serving a multitude of Charterers. Since the delivery of the first N/B in January 2011, the vessels under management have completed over 700 voyages and delivered over 50 million tons of cargo.

Commodities carried include coal (both thermal and coke), iron ore, grains, fertilizers, bauxite and petcoke, salt, sugar, sulphur, palm kernel expellers, cement clinkers, manganese ore, chrome ore, phosphate rock, copper concentrates, limestone, urea, magnetite ore.

Amongst the clients served are ADM, Aquavita, Atlantic Coal & Bulk, Augustea, BDH Quadro, BHP Billiton, Bunge, Cargill, Cetragpa, Cobelfret, Cofco Agri, COSCO, Costamare Bulkers, Louis Dreyfus, Glencore, Itochu, K Line, Klaveness, Mercuria Energy, Ming Wah, Noble, Norden, Nordic, Norvic, Olam, Oldendorff, Pacific Bulk, Panocean, Raffles, Rio Tinto, Sinochart, Sinoeast, ST Shipping, Starboard, Suek, Swissmarine, Ultrabulk, Uniper, NS United, Vale, Vitol, Western Bulk.


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